History of the Sanctuary Buildings

Most locals know that Charlotte exists where is does because of the intersection of two ancient Native American trading paths at the spot we now know as the Square – the intersection of today’s Tryon and Trade Streets. But how and when did a beautiful Gothic style...

The Manse/Parsonage

On December 22, 1876, The Charlotte Democrat reported that a new and elegant Parsonage had been completed for the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church. The paper reported “We wish every Christian Minister of the Gospel in the land had as nice a house to live in.”...

Partnership with Accion in Merida, Yucatan

Accion began in the early 1980’s under the direction of the Rev. Oscar Dorantes of Merida, Yucatan.  Oscar, a native of Yucatan, was educated at Birmingham Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama in the 60’s.  After returning to Mexico, he was ordained and served a...

An Old Window Gets a New Life

You never know what kind of calls you’re going to receive when you’re the church receptionist… When we were building the Poplar Street Building in 2000, our receptionist answered a call from a former member who said she had a stained glass window that was...

Those Magnificent Chandeliers

We are blessed with a beautiful church, “a model of elegance and good taste” The Mecklenburg Times announced in April 1895 in anticipation of the re-opening of the First Presbyterian Church in Charlotte following an extensive and quite expensive (just over $30,000)...