Sunday Mornings | 9 and 11 a.m.
Plan Your Visit
On Sundays from September-May, we offer two distinct worship opportunities and styles, both of which follow the Presbyterian Order of Worship. Our 9 a.m. contemplative-style worship (located in the Chapel) offers communion each week, Scripture reading and a sermon, and incorporates more time for silence and reflection. Please note: this service breaks from May 26-September 1. Year-round, our 11 a.m. service is a traditional Presbyterian service with prayer, hymns, a choir, scripture reading, and a sermon.
We know walking into a new church can be intimidating. Click the button below to tell us you’ll be attending your first worship service, and if you’d like, we’ll make sure someone is there to greet you and help you find your way around. Not ready to join us in person yet? You can worship with us online or live on WAXN-Channel 64.
200 W. Trade Street | Charlotte, NC 28202
Location + Parking
Free parking is available on Sunday mornings and during all church events at the corner of Trade and Poplar Streets. You can enter the lot from Poplar Street, directly across from the church.
Need special parking?
Parking for those with disabilities is also available on the driveway in front of our sanctuary. Access via the entrance on Church Street.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Sunday Morning Schedule?
Contemplative Service, 9-9:40 a.m., Chapel (from September-May)
Adult Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., various rooms and Zoom | View classes (from September-May)
Youth Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., P321 High School, P301 Middle School (from September-May)
Children’s Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., various rooms | View classes (from September-May)
Traditional Worship, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Sanctuary
What's the difference between the two services?
We have two times and two styles of worship. The contemplative service takes place from 9-9:40 a.m. in the chapel. This worship style is quieter and builds in more times of reflection. The traditional service takes place at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary, with an organ and a choir. Both services follow the Presbyterian Order of Worship.
Where do I park?
Free parking is available on Sunday mornings and during all church events at the corner of Trade and Poplar Streets. Enter the lot from Poplar Street, directly across from the church. If you visit during non-event times, the parking lot gates will be closed. Simply take a ticket and ask the receptionist to validate your ticket before you leave. The parking lot is reserved for church staff and visitors during all business hours.
Parking for those with disabilities is also available on the driveway in front of our sanctuary. Access the driveway via the entrance on Church Street.
What happens when I arrive?
Walk up the driveway until you reach the brick pathway and TV screen. A campus map is available here to help you find your way.
If you’re attending the 9 a.m. service, make your way to the chapel. If you’re attending the 11 a.m. service, make your way to the sanctuary. View a campus map here or use the campus map near the outdoor TV screen. Whether you’re attending the 9 a.m. service in the chapel or the 11 a.m. service in the sanctuary, an usher will greet you at the door and offer you a worship bulletin. Find a seat anywhere you are comfortable and prepare for worship to begin.
What should I wear?
Clothing styles vary at First Presbyterian Church. You will see some folks in dresses and suits and others dressed more casually. You are welcome here no matter what you wear, so wear whatever you feel comfortable in!
What about my kids?
Children are always welcome in worship. However, we also have a nursery available for children from birth through age two beginning at 9:30 a.m. There is more information about this in the section below, or on our Children + Families webpage.
During the 11 a.m. service, “First Church” is offered for children ages three – first grade. After the Time for Children in worship, children leave to participate in a simplified worship service; they rejoin their families during the last hymn.
Children + Families
We love the presence and participation of children in the life of the church. On Sunday mornings, we offer many age-appropriate childcare and education options. Our nursery for infants to two years old is provided during Sunday school and worship in room P311. At 9:45 a.m. we offer Sunday School classes for children (from September-May). At 11 a.m., we encourage children to attend the worship service. After our children’s time in worship, those who are three years old to first grade are invited to participate in “First Church,” a simplified worship service. They leave the sanctuary and rejoin their families during the last hymn. Children in second grade and above are encouraged to stay for the whole service.

Become a Member
Ready to take the next step? Discuss church membership with our membership coordinator, Jane Ives. Click below to send her an email.