Children’s Ministry

At First Presbyterian, we take seriously our commitment to the vows we take at baptism, promising to support and nurture children throughout their whole lives of faith. Our children’s ministry is devoted to continued faith formation from birth. Christ, mission and belonging are central to our ministry. We take great care in knowing every child by name so that they know they are loved and cared for as beloved children of God.

On Sundays

Invisible Box - All closed on page open


Our church nursery is an essential place in our children’s ministry. Babies birth through two years old are invited to the nursery every Sunday in room P311. 

Our professionally trained nursery staff provides a foundation for growing faith by creating a safe, secure and loving environment. 

Drop off begins at 9:30 a.m. and pick up after worship.

When children turn three they are encouraged to participate in First Church or worship with their family.

First Church

First Church is offered during worship services for children age three through first grade. After the Children’s Time, children leave to participate in a simplified worship service that offers an opportunity for children to help lead worship and learn worship skills, followed by an activity to reinforce the Bible story of the day. Children rejoin their families in the sanctuary during the last hymn.

During worship, September-May

Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School takes place during the formation hour each Sunday (9:45-10:45 a.m.). Meet us in the gym at 9:45 a.m. and we will escort your child to their class.

Fall 2024 Classes

  • Ages three and four attend the Pre-K class (pre-readers)
  • Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade 
  • Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade

Upcoming Children’s Events

Children’s Choirs

Each week, your children have the opportunity to join with our Children’s Choirs. They rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 p.m. and sing in worship several times throughout the year.

Carol Choir (age 4.5-grade 1)

Rehearsals Wednesday | 5:45-6:45 p.m.

Carol Choir provides the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of music, singing, fellowship and faith all at the same time! Through songs and games, these young musicians will not only participate in worship through their music, they they will also learn teamwork and be brought closer to God and others.

Kirk Choir (grades 2-5)

Rehearsals Wednesday | 5:45-6:45 p.m.

Whether you already know the fundamentals of choir or not, all are welcome in this group. Singers will learn the fundamental of singing, proper choral techniques, musicality, teamwork, and, most importantly, the ministry of praising God through music. Kirk Choir participates in worship through the year, in Singing in the Season, and presents a musical in the spring.

Beginning Handbells (grades 2-4)

Rehearsals Wednesday | 6:45-7:05 p.m.

This beginner ensemble focuses on handbell basics of reading notes, rythm, and musicianship. No music reading experience is required. This group rehearses weekly and rings in worship during the year. Begins October 9, 2024.


First Presbyterian Church has a long history of creating a Christian environment and nurturing children in Charlotte. We offer two distinct schooling options: the Child Development Center and Weekday School.

Children’s Faith Formation Podcast Episodes:

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