Mary Henderson Bowman

Mary grew up as the youngest of four children in Columbus, Ohio. She came to North Carolina as a freshman at UNC-Chapel Hill and decided to stay. She and her husband Charles have two adult sons. Mary and her family were members of First Presbyterian Church before she was ordained as a minister in 2010. While at First Presbyterian, Mary served as a deacon and an elder and was active as a volunteer, including teaching Sunday School, working in outreach, participating in Presbyterian Women, and serving as a Stephen Minister and Leader.Mary is excited to be leading the Contemplative Service as she has studied and explored the contemplative side of Christianity for many years, through centering prayer, silent retreats, and other spiritual practices. Mary is a Spiritual Director and participates on the Presbytery’s Antiracism Ministry Team. She loves to read and learn, to hike and be in nature, to be with others, and to watch for how God is moving in the world.