Home 9 Advocacy 9 Anti-Racism


Our faith in Jesus Christ leads us to address racism as a theological issue, not a political one, by actively addressing structures, policies, ideas, and practices that create inequities because of the color of one’s skin. It compels us, both individually and as a congregation, to actively eliminate racism in ourselves, our church, our community, and the world around us.

At the same time that the sanctuary was renovated, a task force was formed to delve into our church’s racial history. Their work resulted in the creation of the History Hallway. The Anti-racism subcommittee is now using that historical display to draw attention to FPC’s role in inequities in the past, and to help discern the church’s role going forward. In addition, the Anti-racism subcommittee has developed an “Advancing Racial Equity Framework” for teams to use in assessing their areas for improvement.  

The History Hallway

Within the hallway and linked below, you can find a photograph and brief biographical information for each senior minister. The biographies include both positive actions as well as – truthfully – those that show human failings, particularly in the area of race. The Hallway also contains a Repentance and Resurrection statement in the context of scripture and a dedication conveyed and brought to life by a work of art. The statement references our church’s history, rooted in our faith and the history of our city, and our hope for the future.

Featured Resources

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What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian Church


William Yoo, Assoc. Prof. of American Religious and Cultural History and Director of the MDiv Program at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia (and Pastor Pen's doctoral advisor), discusses the complicity of the Presbyterian Church in the promoting, supporting, or willfully ignoring the enslavement of other human beings. He shows that if we Presbyterians are to promote racial justice today, we must understand and acknowledge how deeply racial injustice is embedded in our denomination's history and identity.

60+ minutes




Origin in a film portraying author Isabel Wilkerson as she is inspired to research and write her best-selling book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent

60+ minutes




Available on Netflix. The story of the man who organized the historic 1963 March on Washington. Per the movie trailer: "He dedicated his life to the quest for racial equality, human rights and worldwide democracy. However, as an openly gay Black man, he is all but erased from the civil rights movement he helped build."

60+ minutes

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Take Action

Here you will find ways to begin working toward being anti-racist. 

Attend the Committee's forum after the Civil Rights trip

Date TBD – Late April/early May

Be on the lookout for and join a debriefing with the Anti-Racism Committee after the trip to civil rights sites in Alabama in April.


Attend a Racial Equity Workshop

Next workshop: April 4-5, 2024

Race Matters for Juvenile Justice holds 2-day workshops at Hope Haven several times a year. They are designed for people “who are interested in understanding and eliminating racial inequities, disparities, and disproportionality within the Mecklenburg community. ” A number of churchmembers have taken this workshop and gained invaluable insight and perspective. | More info

VOTE on Primary Day!

March 5, 2024