FPC Travels

 The mission of Adult Formation is to encourage and inspire our congregation to become lifelong and faithful followers of Christ.  Just as much of Jesus’ ministry took place on roads and hillsides outside the synagogue, trips with FPC outside the walls of the church provide meaningful and transformational education.

 FPC travelers immerse themselves in experiential learning, share their new findings with fellow travelers, and observe how studying in alternative contexts inspires fresh insights when they return home. Join FPC Travels for a first-hand look at how God is at work in the world.

Civil Rights Trip Alabama

MARCH 27-30, 2025

Members of First Presbyterian and First United Presbyterian Church will embark on a transformative three-day journey to explore the history of the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama. We will visit iconic landmarks, engage in meaningful discussion, share moments of introspection, and connect with fellow travelers as we delve into the pivotal events that shaped our nation.

This immersive experience promises not only to educate but also to inspire and renew our commitment to justice and equality for all God’s people. Join us as we honor the legacy of those who fought for freedom and continue the journey towards a more just and inclusive future.

Registration opens January 22, 2025.

Journey to Scotland


Stand in cathedrals where the preaching of the Scottish Reformers stirred deep passions; walk the shores of Iona where Celtic spirituality flourishes to this day; visit castles and battlefields where proud Scots defended their country; and experience the beauty of the rugged Scottish terrain.

Guided by Jim Wallace, a Scottish pastor and former PCUSA pastor, the trip will be grounded in faith through morning prayers, visits to various kirks, and Sunday morning worship at St. Giles’ Cathedral. Join the tour to explore the history of Scotland, the roots of Presbyterianism deep in the Scottish earth, and the warmth and hospitality of the Scottish people all while building friendships of a lifetime.

*This trip is now full, but a waitlist is available*

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Following Paul’s Path through Greece

AUGUST 25 – SEPTEMBER 6, 2025 (tentative)

After a trip to Istanbul we will cruise the Mediterranean following the path of the Apostle Paul in Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Thessaloniki, and Berea. We will pair the stops with scriptural passages that recount the story of Paul’s time in each city and observe how he adapted his message to each community.

Reading before the trip will equip us to take in all that we’ll see and appreciate how Paul shared the good news of Jesus Christ as he journeyed. We will leave with new insights into how we too can spread the gospel message back home.

There will be an information session on October 20 at 12:15. p.m. in S203. Registration opens on October 31 at 12:01 a.m.

Have Questions?

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