Kaitlyn Davros

Kaitlyn Davros holds an M.M. in Sacred Music from Westminster Choir College at Rider University and a Bachelor of Music in Organ Performance from Hope College in Holland, MI. She has traveled abroad to Amsterdam, London, and Paris to research, study, and perform. She has studied at the Choral Music Institute at Oxford University, England, holds the Director of Young Singers certificate from the Choristers Guild Institute, and serves on the Presbyterian Association of Musicians Board. In her professional roles, Kaitlyn has served as Associate Director of Music/Organist, Interim Director of Music, and most recently as Director of Traditional Music and Worship. She brings experience in leading a comprehensive music program, including three handbell choirs and a men's choir, establishing a vibrant children and youth music program, and creating authentic and creative worship from the organ. In her free time, Kaitlyn enjoys collaborating with Temple Beth El and playing for their High Holy Days and occasional Shabbat services. Her husband, Nick, is a biology professor at CPCC, and they have two sweet girls, Kinsley (5) and Riley (10 months), and an energetic black lab, Harbaugh. As a family, they enjoy adventuring through travels, hiking, sports, and outdoor activities; sailing is a favorite.