Sermon Archive
Sermons are added to this page every Tuesday. For all Traditional Services, we provide the full-service video, sermon audio and transcript, and bulletin. For the Contemplative Service, we provide the transcript only. If you are looking for a sermon that is not available on this page, please email
Below, all sermons are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent Sunday at the top. You can also use the filters to search for a specific date, preacher, or service.
Traditional Service
Prayers, Interrupted
Anna Dickson
| June 5, 2022
This sermon was preached by Rev. Anna Dickson on June 5, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. Scripture: Acts 2:1-21
Traditional Service
Freedom When Hope is Dim
Pen Peery
| May 29, 2022
This sermon was preached by Rev. Pen Peery on May 29, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. Scripture: Acts 16:16-34
Traditional Service
Easier Said Than Done - Don’t Be Afraid
Lorenzo Small Sr.
| May 22, 2022
This sermon was preached by Rev. Lorenzo Small, Sr. on May 22, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. Scripture: John 16:33
Traditional Service
It’s True, But I’m Working On It: Drop Your Nets and Follow
Pen Peery
| May 15, 2022
This sermon was preached by Rev. Pen Peery on May 15, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. Scripture: Mark 1:16-20
Traditional Service
It’s True, But I’m Working On It: Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Pen Peery
| May 8, 2022
In this sermon, I explore the difference between asking "and who is my neighbor?" and asking "am I being a neighbor?"
Traditional Service
It’s True, But I’m Working On It: Pray Without Ceasing
Pen Peery
| May 1, 2022
This sermon was preached by Rev. Pen Peery on May 1, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24
Special Service
Light In The Unexpected
Guest Speaker
| April 24, 2022
Have you ever had an unexpected experience that throws you into a world of darkness and you are not sure where God is in the midst? During this Youth Sunday service, hear from three seniors how God and others in their lives have helped them find light in the unexpected. This service was held on April 24, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte.
Traditional Service
Burden of Proof
Pen Peery
| April 17, 2022
This sermon was preached by Rev. Pen Peery on April 17, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. Scripture: Luke 24:1-12
Special Service
Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service
Guest Speaker
| April 14, 2022
This service recreates aspects of the passion story using scripture, solemn hymns, and the gradual darkening of the room as candles are extinguished.
Traditional Service
A Face in the Crowd
Pen Peery
| April 10, 2022
Scripture (Luke 21 and Luke 23): Today's sermon bridges the last week of Jesus' life. Starting on Palm Sunday and ending at Jesus' sentencing to death, this sermon tells a first-person account of what it might have been like to be in the crowd who were gathered in Jerusalem.