CYPP Training

P-209 200 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Come join us to complete your CYPP (Child and Youth Protection Policy) training. All adults at First Presbyterian Church who plan to volunteer with children and youth need to take this training once every three years. The training on this date is offered in person only and will take place in Room P-209. Please make sure to register so we know how many people to prepare for.

CYPP Training

P-209 200 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Child and Youth Protection Policy: All church volunteers who plan to be involved with children and youth need to take this training once every three years. This particular training will be hybrid (in person with an option to join via Zoom as well). Please make sure to register for the training! Once you register, you will find the Zoom link to join the class.

Spring Playdate on the Lawn

Front Lawn

Open to ages three through 2nd Grade! Come join us on the front lawn after worship. We’ll have bounce houses, the playground will be unlocked, and lunch will be served (Publix sandwiches, popcorn chicken, fruit, and chips). The cost is $10/Family.


CYPP Training


Child and Youth Protection Policy: All church volunteers who plan to be involved with children and youth need to take this training once every three years. This particular training will take place on Zoom. Please make sure to register for the training! Once you register, you will find the Zoom link to join the class.

CYPP Training


Child and Youth Protection Policy: All church volunteers who plan to be involved with children and youth need to take this training once every three years. This particular training will take place on Zoom. Please make sure to register for the training! Once you register, you will find the Zoom link to join the class.

CYPP Training

P-209 200 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC, United States

Come join us to complete your CYPP (Child and Youth Protection Policy) training. All adults at First Presbyterian Church who plan to volunteer with children and youth need to take this training once every three years. The training on this date is offered in person only and will take place in Room P-209. Please make sure to register so we know how many people to prepare for.

Grands Camp

Wood Fellowship Hall

Grandparents and grandchildren who are interested in spending time together whilst sharing stories about God’s love are invited to a special event from July 21-23, 2025. "Grands Camp" will be structured like an all-ages Bible School. Participants will enjoy Bible stories, art projects, music, service projects, snacks, and more. If you would love to share time with your grandchildren in a space with structure for learning and plenty of space to play, give Grands Camp a try! Children in grades Pre-K all the way through 5th grade are welcome to participate. Activities will be designed to accommodate all ages of learners. (Children under three are too young for this offering.) $25 covers the cost of snacks and service activities for your whole family. We suggest no more than 2 kids per grand. "Grandparent" is a loose term and we don’t aim to leave anyone out! An adult with kids in any format is great with us! Volunteers are needed to make the week a success! If you have time to give Grands Camp. please reach out to

Vacation Bible School

Wood Fellowship Hall

When? August 4-8 from 9am-1pm. Who? Ages 3 years old (potty-trained only) through 5th grade. Cost? No cost! Every family who sends a child to VBS will be required to volunteer their time. You will find available time slots on this registration form. We will provide a remote working room for working parents who may need to send an email or take a call during volunteering.