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Homelessness + Housing

“My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places” (Isaiah 32:18). This is not a reality in Charlotte.

Many of our fellow citizens have not had the opportunity to find “secure dwellings” due to a history of poverty, race-based deed restrictions, discriminatory lending practices, strict zoning codes, and more. Charlotte has families struggling to meet their rent, and individuals on the street because of a lost job, an unexpected illness, and mental health issues. They are all our brothers and sisters in Christ. As such, we are called to address the systems, economies, and injustices that led to wrongs of the past – and to work together to ensure access to affordable housing for all our neighbors in the future.

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It’s Not Just Wages. Retailers Are Mistreating Workers in a More Insidious Way

Housing & Homelessness

NY Times article explaining how companies are abusing workers with part time jobs that although they might offer great hourly wages, they also come with complications like unpredictable schedules and low hours to avoid providing benefits.

5-10 minutes


Benefits Cliff Article by Pedro Perez, former Executive Director of Charlotte Family Housing

Housing & Homelessness

An article written by Pedro Perez, former Executive Director of Charlotte Family Housing, explaining the Benefits Cliff and how it keeps low income families from getting ahead.

5-10 minutes


National Low Income Housing Coatilition’s Affordable Housing Gap Report for Charlotte Area & NC

Housing & Homelessness

A research team's studies of supply and demand trends and analysis of market and demographic data shows the need for low-income housing across the country.

5-10 minutes

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When We Walk By: Forgotten Humanity, Broken Systems, and the Role We Can Each Play in Ending Homelessness in America

A book showing us what we lose—in ourselves and as a society—when we choose to walk past and ignore our neighbors in shelters, insecure housing, or on the streets. It shows what we stand to gain when we embrace our humanity and move toward evidence-based people-first, community-driven solutions, offering social analysis, economic and political histories, and the real stories of unhoused people.

People’s Budget Coalition Releases Requests for Coming City Budget

Attend or watch the City Council Meeting May 13th at 6:30pm where a wide-ranging coalition of 16 community organizations will support its proposal for the Fiscal Year 2025 City of Charlotte budget calling for criminal justice reform, better pay for city workers and a $100-million investment in housing.

Over 13 years of Unsheltered Homelessness in 30 days. Amazing things can happen when the community works together. Larry’s Story

Watch Larry’s Story: Over 13 years of homelesses ends in 30 days with the support of multiple street outreach teams and organizations.