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Equity + Education

Equitable education means giving every student access to the resources and educational rigor they need regardless of race, gender, language, disability, family background, or family income. The goal is for all children to achieve their highest potential as individuals and to become productive members of society.

The Equity and Education subcommittee has chosen three main focus areas:

  1. WESTERLY HILLS ACADEMY + CORE CHURCH – Expand support for students and families in zip code 28208 many of whom are negatively impacted by poverty, hunger, lack of affordable housing stability, (over)working parents, and lack of transportation. Explore opportunities for partnering with Core Church to support these families
  2. COVID-19 TRAUMA – Ensure training for partners (teachers, administrators, tutors) to understand the added layer of trauma created by the pandemic and the mental/emotional health consequences.
  3. LITERACY – Encourage best practices for reading mastery (a bellwether predictor for success in school) from the earliest possible age and engage more FPC members in proven effective literacy programs.

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Nearly 1 in 4 NC students don’t attend traditional public schools, new figures show

Equity in Education

New state data shows that more North Carolina families are picking alternatives to traditional public schools. Reports released Tuesday by the state Division of Non-Public Education show enrollment in both private schools and homeschooling increased last school year. In the same time period, enrollment rose in charter schools but dropped in traditional public schools.

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Parents with students on voucher waitlists call on legislative leaders for additional funding

Equity in Education

Parents rallied on Wednesday to urge the legislature to pass House Bill 823. The bill, which passed the Senate earlier this year, would provide $248 million nonrecurring for the upcoming school year and $215.5 million recurring to support scholarships in the 2025-26 school year.

5-10 minutes


School segregation surges 70 years after Brown v. Board ruling

Equity in Education

Racial segregation in schools across the country has increased dramatically over the last three decades, according to two new reports and an Axios review of federal data.

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Westerly Hills Academy Open House

Help with back-to-school open house at WHA.