What to Expect at the Sanctuary Reopening

Our sanctuary will reopen for worship on Sunday, October 23, after 18 months of worshiping in the Wood Fellowship Hall. The Opening Doors Capital Campaign has allowed us to expand the chancel and made it handicap-accessible, repair and refinish the wood floors, restore and replace pews, update lighting, and install a new pipe organ.

What To Expect in the Renovated Sanctuary
  • Enhanced lighting that brightens and warms the room
  • Beautiful music from the new pipe organ
  • Equal distance between pews (no more “shopping” for the best legroom!)
  • Minister plaques have been relocated to a “History Hallway” behind the sanctuary to keep the focus of the room on God (not people), per our Reformed Tradition
  • We will use hymn books!
  • We will have a new format for the bulletin that will include information on upcoming church events and programs
Schedule of Events

Morning Coffee, 9 a.m., Welcome Center – Explore the renovated Frances Browne Dining Room and the history hall
Fellowship Breakfast, 9:45 a.m., Wood Fellowship Hall
Official Transition from Wood Fellowship Hall to Sanctuary, 10:15 a.m. – A word of thanks, liturgy, music, and a sanctuary blessing before processing together to the sanctuary.
Sanctuary Doors Open*, 10:45 a.m. – Ribbon cutting and doors open
Worship, 11 a.m., Sanctuary – Adult and children choirs will sing
Hot Chocolate and Fellowship, 12 p.m., Front Lawn

*Seating begins after the official opening at 10:45 a.m. If you need special accommodations due to mobility issues, please go to the welcome center and an officer or volunteer wearing an “Ask Me!” button will assist.

Future Plans

Other projects will be completed as funds are available from campaign pledges including:

  1. Replace carpet and chairs in Session Room
  2. Updates for Lemma Howerton Room
  3. Stained glass window repairs
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