Sermon Archive

Sermons are added to this page every Tuesday. For all Traditional Services, we provide the full-service video, sermon audio and transcript, and bulletin. For the Contemplative Service, we provide the transcript only. If you are looking for a sermon that is not available on this page, please email

Below, all sermons are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent Sunday at the top. You can also use the filters to search for a specific date, preacher, or service.


Service Type

Service Year

Traditional Service
Obedience and Control
Pen Peery
| March 6, 2022
This sermon is the first in the season of Lent. It focuses on the role of obedience in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Obedience is an invitation to live a more fully human life, not a perfect one.
Traditional Service
We Have Nothing to Lose
Guest Speaker
| February 28, 2022
In this sermon, our guest preacher, The Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III from Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, challenges the people of the church to step out of the places where we have been restricted, so that we can participate in the change that Jesus came to bring through the gift of his life and his love.
Traditional Service
Did God Make Us Good?
Pen Peery
| February 20, 2022
This week's sermon is the third in our series called "Questions of Faith" and answers the question "Did God make us good?" The question arises from some of our members who have been studying Fr. Richard Rohr and Fr. Gregory Boyle - both of whom are Roman Catholic priests. What our members noticed is that there is a difference between the Catholic's view of humanity and what the Presbyterian church has taught. To get at this week's question, the sermon focused on the first story of creation in Genesis 1:26-2:3.
Traditional Service
Does God Hear Me When I Pray?
Robert Galloway
| February 6, 2022
This week begins the three week sermon series "Questions of Faith." The children of the church asked, "Does God hear me when I pray?" This question has been asked many times and in many ways since God reached out to God's people for the first time. The answer to our question is "Yes." Scripture confirms this answer even when we are in doubt and struggling to grow and understand our faith. We will also think about the way the question was asked and what that reveals about us as humans and our relationship to God. This sermon was preached by Rev. Robert Galloway on February 6, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte.
Traditional Service
Beyond Self-Control
Pen Peery
| January 30, 2022
This sermon was preached by Rev. Pen Peery on January 30, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte.
Traditional Service
Anna Dickson
| January 23, 2022
We are living through a time where we are all feeling a little depleted. This sermon reminds listeners of the source of our replenishment and call to joy.
Traditional Service
Come and See
Pen Peery
| January 9, 2022
This sermon was preached by Rev. Pen Peery on January 9, 2022 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte.
Traditional Service
Just Hold the Baby
Pen Peery
| December 24, 2021
This sermon was preached by Rev. Pen Peery on December 24, 2021 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte.
Traditional Service
For Whom Do We Belong
Guest Speaker
| November 7, 2021
This sermon was preached by guest preacher Rev. Mary Katherine Robinson on November 7, 2021 at First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte.
Traditional Service
Staying the Scene
Anna Dickson
| October 31, 2021
In this sermon, Rev. Anna Dickson lifts up the story of Ruth's commitment to her mother-in-law Naomi and invites us to consider how we are connected by the story of God's faithfulness to us, as well as our call to commit to serving each other, especially in the more challenging "scenes" in our lives.