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“Following Jesus” Congregational Book Read

Faith is not just a matter of confessing beliefs about Jesus, but of following Jesus, of living in a way that shows his face to the world. What might it mean to be guided by Jesus who draws you into an entirely new way of being – to dare to move out of and to let go of yourself to make room for him? For the season of Lent, First Presbyterian has chosen the book “Following Jesus: Finding Our Way Home in an Age of Anxiety” by Henri Nouwen to guide the movement from wandering on our own to following Jesus. There are several ways you can participate in this congregational read: Purchase the book in the Welcome Center on Sundays ($15) Participate in discussions with others: -Thursday night, 7-8:30 p.m. (led by Lisa and David Dillard, and Carol and Milt Childress) -Sunday School, March 9-April 13, 9:45-10:45 a.m., P206 (led by Parish Associates Dr. Rob Spach and Dr. Chuck Williamson) -Wednesdays, March 12-April 16, 12:15-1:15 p.m., C307 (led by Crystal Sellers and Garrell Keesler) bring your lunch -Or, form your own group using a prepared Study Guide The Lenten sermon series, “The Cost of Following Jesus” and the daily […]

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Stated Monthly Session Meeting