Advent Devotional for December 13


Oh God, we are waiting,
we are longing for You,
oh Prince of Peace.

Come and reign in our hearts.
Settle us in quiet expectancy
that as sure as day follows night,
you will come
and be for us the wonder
the world cannot give,
the light that shows us how to see,
the wisdom that teaches us
how to move with you,
how to keep pace with you.
And when we are troubled,

how to still ourselves in the certainty
that you are and ever will be our peace.

God have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Spirit have mercy.

Alleluia, Christ has come!
And will come again in glory!



Kate Bowler
(Kate Bowler Advent Devotional, Day 28, 2022)

Kate Bowler will be our 2025 Willard Lecturer on March 6, 2025. Learn more about the event on our Willard webpage.

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