Advent Devotional for December 20





God whose name is Love.
You call us to love others,
but love us first.
So beautifully, so resoundingly,
without reciprocation or judgment
in your words and deeds,
your subversive acts that raised up the lowly.
In your birth and death and resurrection.

Jesus, you showed us that you are the real thing,
the Love that doesn’t fake it, make money on it,
and then crap out on the desperate and lonely
just when they need love the most.
Jesus, that’s us, this Advent.

Blessed are we who admit it.
We are waiting and longing
and calling to you with joy on tiptoes,
for Love to be born again.


Written by

Kate Bowler (Kate Bowler Advent Devotional, Day 14, 2022)

Kate Bowler will be our 2025 Willard Lecturer on March 6, 2025. Learn more about the event on our Willard webpage.

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