Advent Devotional for December 12


Finally, brothers and sisters, farewell. Put things in order, listen to my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.


I find clues to pathways to peace in the lives of family members. Stories of their actions demonstrate values in which they offered peace to people and communities.

For years after my father’s death, I encountered seniors who played baseball for my father at Sunset Park Junior High. Their comments were heartfelt: “Your father changed my life,” “I was a mess at home and school until I played ball for your dad,” “Those years made all the difference to me,” “I have never forgotten Coach Charlie Tilson.” He made others’ lives better by giving of himself.

My wife Libby’s father, Dr. Bob Cuttino, served on the Southern Baptist Convention Peace Committee when fundamentalism dismissed historic tenets of free and faithful Baptists to insignificance in favor of Scriptural inerrancy, power, and control. Bob Cuttino’s dissenting, moderate voice showed true peace amidst egomania, skewed theology, and division.

In retirement, my parents gave 25% of their meager income in charitable gifts. My mother and her siblings gave their inherited homestead to refugees displaced by war. Bob and Molly Cuttino gave 30% of his salary to South Carolina Baptist churches where he served. Their generosity provided powerful examples of ways to bring peace to others.

Paul admonishes the Corinthian fellowship to live in peace. How could Paul not strive and pray for individual acts of grace, generosity, and hospitality that would make this peace in community possible?


Vint Tilson

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