Advent Devotional for December 6


God of all hope,

You break into our world as an infant wrapped in cloth, lying in a feeding trough (Luke 2:7).

A birth that sends a blaze of glory lighting up the fields (Luke 2:9) and filling the night sky (Matthew 2:9).

You are the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5).

When things feel bleak, when hope feels lost,
may we remember this:

During the longest of days and darkest of nights, your never ending light shines still.

The dark is not dark to you.

You are hope. You are light. And we are not alone. All hope is not lost.

May this small flicker remind me of your unending presence, warming my heart and lighting my way.



Kate Bowler
(Kate Bowler Advent Devotional, Day 6, 2022)


Kate Bowler will be our 2025 Willard Lecturer on March 6, 2025. Learn more about the event on our Willard webpage.

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