Presbyterian Women Fall Gathering

Wood Fellowship Hall

We will kick off our PW year by gathering after church for a luncheon and program. The cost of lunch is $15 per person. We will hear from a representative from Moms Moving Forward (MMF), a program of Freedom Communities and the recipient of our 2024 Birthday Dinner Offering. MMF is a 12-month program for single mothers and their children with a home zip code of 28208, including moms from our partner school, Westerly Hills Academy. In addition, directories will be available, plans for the year ahead will be discussed, and new staff members at FPC will be introduced.

Presbyterian Women Advent Worship & Luncheon

First Presbyterian Church

Before the rush of the holidays, please join us for a time to pause and reflect at our PW Advent Service and Luncheon. Our guest preacher will be The Reverend Ellen Crawford True, Senior Pastor and Head of Staff at FPC Concord, where she has served since June of 2021. Ellen is originally from Nashville, TN. She graduated from Davidson College with a B.A., in English and received a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary in Virginia.